YFull: FAQ↩ Back 

Q: I would like YFull to interpret another raw data file. Do I need to open a new account?

A: No. Another account is not necessary. Just use the YFull on-line order form for the additional order and in the About me box use the email address and name that is already associated with your account (the email address and name you used with your first order).

Follow all of the instructions in the YFull FAQ: How do I order a YFull interpretation of my Big Y test results from FTDNA or my test results from other testing companies listed on the YFull order form?

If you have already tested at company X and had your raw data results interpreted by YFull, and you have now tested at company Y and you ask YFull to interpret the second test, the results of both tests will be included in YFull's YTree and database. Each interpretation will have a different YFull identification number. And please specify in comments that a new sample at company Y belongs to the already certain tested person.

Last updated on April 10, 2019.