E-Y493826 (age: 495 ybp)
Formula: (350+640)/2
Formula: (350+640)/2

Branch ID Sample ID Number of SNPs Coverage (bp) Formula to correct SNPs number Corrected number of SNPs Formula to estimate age Age by this line only
 YF122580  2.00 8425100 2.00/8425100 * 8467165 2.01 2.01 * 144.41 + 60 350
 YF127084  4.00 8431134 4.00/8431134 * 8467165 4.02 4.02 * 144.41 + 60 640

FAQ: What are SNPs "currently defining" a subclade and subclade "formed" age, "TMRCA" and confidence intervals?

FAQ: What is YFull's age estimation methodology?

Increase in age     Decrease in age

SNPs currently defining E-Y493826
Y494134(H)     H
Y494382(H)     H
Y493968(H)     H
Y504649(H)     H
FT310218 / Y180008    
Other SNPs possibly defining E-Y493826
Y493679    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494744    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y493872    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y493632    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y493974    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y493734    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494286    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494107    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494160    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494950    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494413    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494068    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494438    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y493802    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y493911    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y494016    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y504650    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y562635    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y562636    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y562637    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y504654    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y490183    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Y484480    level E-Y493826<->E-Y305618
Sample ID Country / Language Info Ref File Testing company Statistics Status
YF127084 Italy (Reggio Calabria) E-Y493826 —— T2T .BAM Nebula Genomics 27X, 45.1 Mbp, 150 bp
YF122580 —— E-Y493826 —— T2T .BAM Nebula Genomics 18X, 45.1 Mbp, 150 bp

You can watch theoretical computed paths using PhyloGeographer. We do not guarantee that provided information is correct.
- Theoretical Computed Paths > E-Y493826
- Y Heatmap > E-Y493826

* The PhyloGeographer is not affiliated with YFull