J-Y23998 (age: 3037 ybp)
Formula: (2703*10 + 3093*6 + 3540*6)/(10 + 6 + 6)
Formula: (2703*10 + 3093*6 + 3540*6)/(10 + 6 + 6)

Branch ID Sample ID Number of SNPs Coverage (bp) Formula to correct SNPs number Corrected number of SNPs Formula to estimate age Age by this line only Weight
 J-Y23722  18.31 18.31 * 144.41 + 60 2703 10 = 5 * (1 + 1)
YF006280 20.00 8066772 20.00/8066772 * 8467165 20.99 20.99 * 144.41 + 60 3092 -
YF006703 16.00 7989585 16.00/7989585 * 8467165 16.96 16.96 * 144.41 + 60 2509 -
YF010247 13.00 7689343 13.00/7689343 * 8467165 14.32 14.32 * 144.41 + 60 2127 -
YF097775 17.00 7930358 17.00/7930358 * 8467165 18.15 18.15 * 144.41 + 60 2681 -
YF100262 21.00 8421797 21.00/8421797 * 8467165 21.11 21.11 * 144.41 + 60 3109 -
 YF091009  21.00 8464997 21.00/8464997 * 8467165 21.01 21.01 * 144.41 + 60 3093 6 = 1 * (5 + 1)
 YF126942  24.00 8433535 24.00/8433535 * 8467165 24.10 24.10 * 144.41 + 60 3540 6 = 1 * (5 + 1)

FAQ: What are SNPs "currently defining" a subclade and subclade "formed" age, "TMRCA" and confidence intervals?

FAQ: What is YFull's age estimation methodology?

Increase in age     Decrease in age

SNPs currently defining J-Y23998
Y23998 / V4600    
Sample ID Country / Language Info Ref File Testing company Statistics Status
YF126942 new —— J-Y23998* —— T2T .BAM Nebula Genomics 26X, 44.8 Mbp, 150 bp
YF091009 Switzerland (Zürich) J-Y23998* —— Hg19 .BAM Dante Labs 15X, 22.8 Mbp, 151 bp
ERS2065779 Turkey / Ladino J-Y23998* —— Hg19 .BAM Scientific 45X, 7.5 Mbp, 90 bp
YF010247 Belgium (Bruxelles-Capitale, Région de;Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest) J-Y36207 —— Hg19 .BAM FTDNA (Y500) 47X, 13.5 Mbp, 165 bp
YF006703 —— J-Y36207 —— Hg19 .BAM FTDNA (Y500) 67X, 14.3 Mbp, 165 bp
YF097775 Spain (Huelva) J-Y69687* —— Hg38 .VCF FTDNA ——
YF100262 England J-Y64003 —— Hg38 .BAM FTDNA (Y700) 49X, 18.5 Mbp, 151 bp
YF006280 —— J-Y64003 —— Hg19 .BAM FTDNA (Y500) 52X, 14.4 Mbp, 165 bp

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- Theoretical Computed Paths > J-Y23998
- Y Heatmap > J-Y23998

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